ELM327 access via Windows Terminal

Basically I prefer to access the ELM327 Bluetooth Interface with a laptop rather than using a smartphone or tablet when  working with a terminal. It offers a real keyboard and better access to accompanying documentation.

There are two ways to access the interface via Bluetooth using Windows (10 in this case):

Using a Bluetooth terminal program

Software like “Bluetooth Serial Terminal” offers a simple solution. It will ask for the (paired) Bluetooth device to connect to and is ready to go.

Connection via Virtual COM-Port

Windows will automatically provide a virtual COM-Port for Bluetooth devices that can be used with any terminal program capable of accessing serial ports. The advanced Bluetooth settings of Windows will show the according COM ports of the paired BT ELM327 device. If not we can add them here. The outgoing port (COM 4 in this case) is the one to use.

The virtual COM-ports will also show up in the Windows device manager:

Use your favourite terminal program (Hyperterminal, Putty…)  to access the ELM327 over this port. HTerm is used in this case. Make sure the serial parameters match those of the virtual  COM-port (baud-rate etc.)

ELM327 access via Windows Terminal
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