Season Opening 2018 @Pängel Anton

Visited the traditional season opening @Pängel Anton in Ennigerloh with the Caterham. A nicely organized meeting mainly targeting on Lotus  and other British cars taking place around an ex railway station now serving as a roadhouse, hence the slightly obscure name Pängel Anton meaning something like choo choo train  in Low-German. Weather was perfect, sunny, dry and warm.

To my surprise I met four friendly gentlemen in their Lotus Elises from my town just when I wanted to hit the road towards the meeting so we teamed up for the drive 🙂

I just took one picture towards the end of the day, the place was crowded very densely with all kinds of superb British sports cars (and also some others) and their nice owners before.

Season Opening 2018 @Pängel Anton
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